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The Spanish language with roots in the Romance languages, especially Italian and Portuguese.
There are over 50 major languages spoken in Spain
The number of languages that can be called standard today - which include Catalan, Galician, Galician-Catalan, Ladino, Lao, Leon, Limburg, Manx, Portuguese and Spanish - have all been developed from the language spoken at time of the conquest it by Spanish Empire. Therefore all are subject to change and rapidly.
The Romance languages are generally considered the official langauges of Spain in the international community and have gained a reputation for accuracy, precision, and a high degree of linguistic variety. However, the Spanish language (español) is one most widely spoken in the country, especially cities.
The first recorded speech of Romance languages was by a monk called La Bóveda, about 1100 AD. He is said to have started teaching it in the city of Valladolid north east. However, the language was mostly unknown outside of Spain at that time. (The buy hoodia gordonii language of La Bóveda was also used for several years by the philosopher Descartes.)
It has been around for a long time and has made great progress since it first came into use. The written language, Latin, had already found favor a couple of centuries earlier with the Christian priesthood (around 300 AD). As it developed evolved into a full language with both logical and complex inflections, nouns verbs. Latin declined to a Latin-based written Where to buy viagra in vancouver canada language and many older texts that were written in Latin (mostly Italy) were lost due to the Latin alphabet - but there are still many examples of them left, particularly in Italy and southern France.
The Spanish language is most widely spoken throughout Spain, due to the high degree of autonomy that Catalonia enjoys. It also has its own standardised alphabet, although this is not strictly used: in the Catalan language, letters used are not written as letters or dots, but have their own shapes. The standard is not based on the Latin alphabet to avoid confusion.
The Spanish language is very similar to Latin. Both are based on the Greek language and are related to Romance languages. Although most of the elements in Romance languages are borrowed from Latin, Spanish is often described as a purely Spanish language (no Latin influence).
Spanish is written in a different alphabet from Latin. There are six different alphabets in use Spain: the Catalan (standard), Castilian (specialised for Hoodia 400mg $99.92 - $1.67 Per pill businesses), the Catalan-Ladino, Spanish (generalised) and Basque. Most of the books published in Spain are the Catalan alphabet and a translation of the books from one other alphabets.
There are a number of variations writing in Catalan, including a few letters used to indicate the article ("les"), articles ("les") for persons and several that vary the size of letters (ciao, coda and coda). There are also various forms of writing used in the Basque language and different ways in which the writing can be distinguished between the two Spanish alphabets.
Spanish is a noun-based language with few irregular verbs and no conjugations. Most words are formed from two roots: a noun and verb. Some examples are:
El peregrino = the grandfather or pappy
El jefe (= grandpa) = he whose grandfather is
Jefe = grandfather
El amor = the beloved
Amor = beloved
The Spanish language is generally used for scientific, legal and religious purposes in Spain. It also has special uses in the media and science. Spanish language is widely spoken in Spain and is a member of the Spanish Language Group.
The Spanish language
The most commonly used Spanish word is 'la'
English Spanish en página la gente (lit.: in the country) en día English (lit.: on Monday) en español English (lit.: in Spanish (plural)) en novembro English número (lit.: yesterday) en español in Spanish (plural)) hablar (lit.: español in Spanish (plural))
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Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: ZL YL SZ HK. Performed the experiments: ZL YL SZ HK. Analyzed the data: ZL YL SZ HK. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: ZL Wrote the paper: YL SZ HK.